A Place for Stories
Extending Generosity to Special Needs Ministry in Mexico
For five of the last six summers, Lakesider and pediatric physical therapist Cheri Wieland has traveled with a team to Mexico to serve with Eternal Anchor, an organization serving special needs children and adults in rural Mexico.
Camper Generosity
Our campers generously donated to our Summer Blitz Offering Project with $4,925.62!
Blitz Offering Will Assist Kids of WAY Ministries
Our Summer Blitz campers have the awesome opportunity to help children on the other side of the world get to enjoy some things that are part of everyday life in Folsom.
Blessing Others
Our blessings are for sharing with others. Lakeside's Community Christmas Offering is an opportunity outside of your normal giving to bless a specific community need.
Because You Gave: Folsom’s Hope
Lakeside has a culture of generosity, and your generosity has proven to be a blessing to others.