A Place for Growth
Lakeside is here to help you grow as a follower of Jesus.
Find resources here—books, tips from our pastors, practical tools—to help you grow and learn in your faith and to encourage you as you navigate all areas of life with him.
Spiritual Growth and Health
If you’re new to the Bible, let’s start with this: don’t start at the beginning. The Bible is constructed more like a library than like a book. In fact, the “library” of the Bible has 66 books. Start your reading plan with one of the gospel stories about Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
After you read the story of Jesus, move on to the book of Acts, which is really the story of what Jesus continued to do through his disciples after his resurrection. Then read some of the “epistles,” which are letters from Jesus’ apostles to the churches about how to follow Jesus well.
Once you’ve made your way through some of the New Testament, go back to the beginnings in Genesis and Exodus. Add some time in the Psalms and Proverbs. By this time you’ll start feeling more comfortable with the library of the Bible and will be able to move around freely and confidently.
Here are some helpful books to read, recommended from pastors at Lakeside:
Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
The Case for Faith (Lee Strobel)
Simply Jesus (N.T. Wright)
Blue Like Jazz (Donald Miller)
Consider these books, recommended by our pastors:
Blue Like Jazz (Donald Miller)
The Deeply Formed Life (Rich Villodas)
Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest (Ruth Haley Barton)
Faith in the Shadows (Austin Fischer)
Good for You: Reflections of Hope from the Book of Romans (by our own Brad Franklin!)
Mere Christianity (C. S. Lewis)
The Jesus I Never Knew (Philip Yancey)
The Life You’ve Always Wanted (John Ortberg)
The Prodigal God (Tim Keller)
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (John Mark Comer)
Spirit of the Disciplines (Dallas Willard)
Surprised by Hope (N. T. Wright)
The Thing Beneath the Thing (Steve Carter)
What’s So Amazing about Grace (Philip Yancey)
Check out these podcasts, recommended by our pastors:
The Bible Project Podcast
Bema Podcast
Gospel in Life Podcast with Timothy Keller
Theology in the Raw Podcast
Truth over Tribe
Hundreds of books have been written on this topic—possibly all written by pastors (who have a vested interest). Here are a few thoughts:
First, tithing (giving one tenth of one’s income) is a biblical concept. The first record of someone doing this is before the law was ever given: in Genesis 14 a man named Melchizedek, the priest of Salem, blesses Abraham. Abraham then gives Melchizedek a tenth of the bounty from the recent war. Melchizedek represented the presence of God, so Abraham was honoring God with a tenth.
Tithing was an act of faith for Abraham. It can be for us as well. And it may be an excellent guide for our growth in generosity. However, tithing is not a biblical command for New Testament believers. The New Testament teaching focuses more on the blessings of grace and abundance that come from God. Second Corinthians 8–9 tells about the response of Jesus-followers to the good God has poured out on them. Paul says generosity is blessed: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously . . . God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).
Seek to be generous in your giving to those who carry out the work of Christ. The best place to begin and grow that practice is in your local church.
Click HERE if you’d like to give online.
Toddler/Preschool (Age 2-4)
-Read and Share Toddler Bible
-Beginners Bible (Age 3-7)Early Elementary (Age 5-8)
-Read and Learn Bible (Age 5-8)
-The Jesus Storybook Bible (Age 5+)
-NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers (Age 6-9 years)Late Elementary (Age 9-11)
-NIV Adventure Bible for Kids (Age 9-12 years)DAILY DEVOTIONALS:
Help kids think about and engage with Jesus in day-to-day life through quick devotional reads at the breakfast or dinner table or before bed.
-The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers (Age 3-5)
-Indescribable: 100 Devotions about God and Science (Age 5-9)
-One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters: A Family DevotionalEXTRAS:
-The Action Bible: God's Redemptive Story: A great read for kids who love comic-book style action/adventure reading:
-Case for Christ for Kids (Age 8-12): Clear facts, evidence, and answers for kids who want to dive deeper into the question “Who is Jesus, and do I believe in Him?” This is a great, easy read to do with parents.
-Love Does for Kids: Engaging stories that help kids learn to love like Jesus in everyday life. This is an inspiring family read-together book filled with short stories for all ages.
-The Bible Made Easy for Kids: This is a helpful resource if you feel like you are not a Bible expert but want to help explain to your kids what is in the Bible and learn with them!. -
-Redefine Grace Workbook: This is an incredible workbook that high schoolers and their parents can work through together as they address mental health concerns or stress in life. Redefine Grace uses a Christ-centered approach to develop practices that strengthen teens’ mental health.
-The Deeply Formed Life, by Rich Villodas: While The Deeply Formed Life is not designed for teens, it explores the issues that are deeply moving for high schoolers—justice, sexuality, and emotions. Parents and teens would do well to read this book together, chapter by chapter, and engage in the practices suggested.
-NIV Study Bible: At the high school age, it's time for teens to engage with the Bible on a deep level, taking into account the literary and historical contexts. The NIV Study Bible presents these in a brief but helpful way as you read through the Scriptures. -
NLT Girls Life Application Study Bible
NLT Boys Life Application Study Bible
NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Teen Girls
ESV Illuminated Bible, Art Journaling Edition
Growing With: Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future. Do you ever feel like the gap between you and your children is always evolving? Sometimes it feels like you are growing together, and other times it feels like your growing apart. This book helps us change our focus and learn practical ways in growing WITH them.
Don't Miss It: Parent Like Every Week Counts. This book is a quick and easy read. Over the course of an hour, you can change your perspective on how you parent, how you see you children and even how you see yourself!
Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens through the Power of Connection. This book is a must read for parents! Over the last few years more and more students are dealing with anxiety and despair. This book does a great job helping parents understand more about the issue at hand as well as providing practical tools to help grow more connected.
The Bible Project Podcast: The Bible Project is making the Bible more accessible and understandable. Their goal is to show how the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. If you love art/illustration, then you will love their video content as well.
Baptism is an outward expression of an inner commitment to Jesus. At Lakeside we practice what is known as baptism by immersion—the submerging of a follower of Jesus into water and rising up out of the water— representing our death to sin and our resurrection to new life in Christ. It is not a means for salvation but, rather, is a public declaration of faith, symbolically letting the world know you are a follower of Jesus.
Communion is a beautiful worship practice of taking bread and juice as symbols of Jesus’ broken body and shed blood. If you are a follower of Jesus, we encourage you to take part in this sacred celebration, with a reflective and repentant heart (1 Corinthians 11:28). Jesus shared in Communion with his disciples the night before he was crucified (Luke 22:19-20), and we get the privilege of sharing in Communion once a month as a remembrance of Jesus’ love for us and his sacrifice on the cross.
Care Resources
You are not alone in your journey.
Whether you need counseling, recommendations to outside resources, or support and prayer, we want to be here for you.
Online Resources
YouVersion Bible App
Download the free YouVersion Bible App from your App Store and have various versions of the Bible at your fingertips, as well as a featured verse of the day, reading plans, devotionals, and more.
Church Center App
Download the free Church Center App from your App Store and find easy access to all things Lakeside—register for events and groups and manage online giving.
Support for Reproductive Health
The emotional pain of struggling to build your family can be overwhelming and all consuming. Whether grieving miscarriage, stillbirth, or infertility, we are here for you. Email care@lakesidechurch.com, and a female staff member will reach out to you in confidentiality and offer a listeing ear and support. You can also find support through some of the resources listed below.
An unplanned pregnancy can be one of the most frightening and stressful times in a woman’s life. If this is you, know we are here for you. Email care@lakesidechurch.com, and a female staff member will reach out to you in confidentiality and offer a listening ear, guidance, and support. You can also find support through some of the resources listed below.
post-abortion support
If you are grieving an abortion, there is hope and healing and grace. If you need a safe place to talk, email care@lakesidechurch.com, and a female staff member will reach out to you in confidentiality and offer a listening ear and support. You can also find support through some of the reasources listed below.