A Place for You
We’re here to make a place for you.
Lakeside Church has been serving Folsom and its surrounding community since its founding in 1987. We provide ministries, events, and activities for the whole family—adults, kids, and students. Wherever you are in your journey, come and discover the hope of Jesus and the love of a church community!
UNENDING GRACE: It’s never too late. No one is too far.
UNWAVERING TRUTH: Truth sets us free and protects us from harm.
UNBRIDLED HOSPITALITY: Everyone deserves extraordinary care.
GATHER PURPOSEFULLY: Sundays are special! We prioritize joining together for meaningful connections, spiritual inspiration, and authentic worship as we learn to follow Jesus together.
CONNECT DEEPLY: Life is better together! We courageously engage in meaningful rhythms and relationships that help us grow in friendships and faith.
SERVE SELFLESSLY: Teamwork makes the dream work! We resist the gravitational pull of selfishness and find ways to serve others both inside and outside the church.
GIVE GENEROUSLY: God loves a cheerful giver! We choose a culture where generosity is a lifestyle and biblical financial stewardship is taught and embraced.
INFLUENCE DAILY: Everyone matters to God! We are sent on mission to share the gospel with those who feel distant from God, demonstrating a Christ-centered life through our words, actions, and invitations.
Lakeside Pastors
Brian Becker, Lead Pastor
“I am incredibly honored and privileged to serve as the new Lead Pastor at Lakeside. As the Lead Pastor, I embrace the responsibility to care, protect, and lead the church into the future that God has purposed for us. I believe with all my heart that God has uniquely positioned this church to have an undeniable impact in our community and future generations. I hope you'll join us on this journey!
I also have the joy of being married to my wife Jenn for 25 years and have two daughters—one in middle school and one in high school. We are originally from the Pacific Northwest and though we love this sunshine, we're also okay with the wet stuff!”
alisha wilson
connection Pastor
“My heart is to help people find community and connection. I want people to know that Lakeside is a place for them, that they feel known and accepted here, and that they know Jesus loves them and longs for a relationship with them. I feel honored to be a part of a community that is all about this!
I’m originally from SoCal—go Dodgers! I’m married to Ryan Wilson, not to be confused with Ryan Reed, and have two energetic little boys who teach me patience like no other.”
ryan reed
spiritual formation Pastor
“As Spiritual Formation Pastor, I get to journey with people as they seek to grow on their journey with Jesus. I love exploring ways to help people learn more about Jesus and what it means to follow him. My position allows me to spend time studying the Scriptures, create content for our groups, and teach in a variety of areas.
I am blessed to have an amazing wife, Lauren, and three wonderful children! We are originally from the Northwest and love the Seahawks, boating, and being in the outdoors.”
mike klockenbrink
business administration/hr Pastor
“I get to work with an amazing team that keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes. I'm responsible for managing the operational/support staff and the overall direction of the church’s business affairs, including: property, facility, legal, financial, and human resources.”
jamison hiebert
worship arts Pastor
“Having attended Lakeside since I was in middle school and grown in my walk with Jesus here, my role in creating engaging and authentic worship experiences is one of my greatest honors and privileges. My hope and goal is to connect people to the love and mission our King Jesus has for each of us individually and collectively and to express back our worship and response to him through the creative aspects of our Sunday gatherings.
My wife and I grew up in Folsom and met at Lakeside, and we have two awesome kids in elementary school."
Jen jarvis
children’s ministry Pastor
“It is my privilege to lead our ministry to children at Lakeside. I love helping kids get to know Jesus and begin to experience God’s love for them. I love leading our Lakeside Kids team toward creating environments that children trust and love. Every smile, hug, word of encouragement, and prayer helps our children understand what the kingdom of God is all about, and being a part of this is a joy.”
chris daniels
middle school ministries Pastor
“Middle school is an important time as students discover themselves as individuals and explore their purpose. I am stoked to be a part of a team that empowers and helps students become passionate and productive followers of Jesus. My family loves living in Folsom and doing life with you and your students!”
Hunter corbitt
high school ministries Pastor
“I want to see our students transformed by the love found in Jesus. With all the different influences and beliefs our students hear and learn about, their faith is being challenged in new ways. There never has been a time more important than now for Student Ministries.”
jacob renfro
student ministries creative arts pastor
“I don’t think there is a more fun group to work with than our students! I love the privilege of getting to watch students grow up and impact the church and their communities. I am just grateful that I get to be part of their stories and invest in them as they learn to follow Jesus.”
The Lakeside Pebble
The Logo Story
The Lakeside logo (or pebble) represents a topographical map of Beal’s Point at Folsom Lake. Over the years, Lakeside has joyfully baptized hundreds of people at Beal’s Point. Those baptisms reflect our common faith in Jesus. They tell our shared story.
At the same time, the Lakeside pebble tells another story. Each person’s journey with Jesus is beautifully unique. Some Jesus followers have fairly straight paths and lines and others move through more twists and turns. The Lakeside pebble illustrates our personal journeys with Christ, the various lines symbolic of the unique work God is doing in each of us.
Our Missions Partners
Local and international partners advancing the mission and serving others.
Elder Team
The Elder Team serves as the governing body of Lakeside and is tasked with overseeing the life of the church, including spiritual, financial, and administrative areas. Elders serve two-year terms, which are renewable, and are called to live by the standards and examples in Scriptures, including Romans 16, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and Galatians 3.
Brian becker
Brian has been the lead pastor of Lakeside since September 2023. He has been married to his wife, Jenn, for over twenty-five years and together they have two daughters who are 11 and 14. Brian was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, has been in full-time ministry for twenty-five years, and is the founding pastor of Hope City Church in Portland Oregon, which is still thriving to this day.
Ueli Lippuner
Ueli has been an active part of Lakeside for over twenty years, raising his family at the church. “We’ve seen lots of transformation and growth in our family’s lifetime at Lakeside, and I am excited to see where God can take Lakeside in the next years.” As a member of the Elder Team, Ueli is grateful the opportunity to give back to Lakeside, helping ensure the church continues to move forward with Jesus’ mission, and stretching and growing his own faith. In his years at Lakeside, he has volunteered on teams for married couples and empty-nesters, served as a small group leader, and given his time to the ground’s team, mowing Lakeside’s lawns for more than twenty years!
Dean Pritchett
Dean has been an active member of Lakeside since moving to the area in 2010, making Lakeside his church family because of its teaching and vivid display of the gospel in action. Dean has a heart for serving kids and youth and for using his gifts and skills to help others. He has volunteered at various Lakeside ministries, including serving at Lakeside Kids, counting the offering, and leading small groups and Financial Peace groups. He has also also served in other church ministries and non-profits. Previously studying Scriptures that describe the roles of elders, Dean answered the call to become a Lakeside elder with confidence and humility, understanding the importance of the role.
Stephanie Carter
Stephanie became a follower of Christ when she was sixteen after attending a summer high school ministry. Her faith journey following that pivotal decision had many twists and turns, but each one drew her closer to Jesus. Her desire to grow in faith was ignited when she attended Lakeside for the first time twenty years ago. From the moment she walked through the doors with her husband, Rick, she felt an immediate sense of belonging.
Eric Carlson
When Eric Carlson would visit his brother who lived in Folsom, there was always something about Lakeside that attracted him when he drove by. So when he moved to the area in 2007 with his wife and son, he was not surprised that Lakeside quickly felt like home. Eric has a servant’s heart and has been serving on Lakeside’s Guest Services team since he began attending fifteen years ago. Eric is humbled to serve as an elder and is passionate about doing his part to help Lakeside move its mission forward.
Julie harrold
Bio coming soon!
Statement of Faith
We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 28:19-20)
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is true God and true man. He was born of a virgin, died on a cross for the sins of humanity, rose bodily from death, and ascended into heaven. We believe his promise to return to earth for his disciples. (John 1:1-14, John 14:1-9, Acts 1:11, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 24:1-51, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
We believe the Holy Spirit convicts the world and indwells and empowers the believers in Christ. (John 16:8-14, Romans 8:26, Acts 2:38-39, Ephesians 5:18)
We believe that all human beings have sinned and now have salvation available to them by God's grace through faith in Christ. (John 14:6, Romans 3:10-23, Titus 3:5)
We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. It reveals God himself and his will for humanity. (Psalm 19:7-11, Isaiah 40:8, 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:21)