A Place for Growth

Middle School Ministry (MSM)

The middle school years are a time of physical and emotional transition and change. We are here to be a constant in your middle schooler’s life and to offer strong connections and good times as they discover more about following Jesus. Follow us on Instagram and join our group on Facebook.
MSM meets weekly, Sundays at 10:45am at The Block on the Lakeside campus.


msm ministry

Middle School Ministry (MSM) meets on Sunday mornings at 10:45 at The Block for worship, a short message, and fun and games. We also offer groups — Guy’s Group and Girl’s Group — that meet on Fridays twice a month and are a great way to get connected with friends and grow closer to God!



If you have a heart for students, there are opportunities to help and to be a part of this time where they are learning how to make their faith their own. If you would like to volunteer, please click below to let us know you are interested, and we’ll be in touch!

Join us for summer camp!

Meadow Ranch at Hume Lake is an action-packed summer camp for middle schoolers! With thrilling activities, night games, and Christ-centered teaching, students will grow in faith while having a blast. Don’t miss this unforgettable week! Secure your spot with a deposit of $250. Click the button below to learn more and register!

Small groups are one of the best ways for middle schoolers to get connected at MSM. Register now to get your student involved in Girls Group or Guys Group for the 2024-2025 school year!

Girls group

MSM Girls Group is a favorite of middle-school girls from our entire community. Girls meet twice a month to share in friendship and faith while engaging in meaningful gatherings and fun. Girls Group meets twice a month on Fridays, 4–5:30pm. Sign up now for the 2024-2025 school year!

2024-2025 Registration
Cost: $60

guys group

MSM Guys Group is a chance for middle-school boys to connect with their peers and leaders for teaching and activities, including archery, tag, nerf battles, and our infamous gravity cars. Guys Group meets twice a month on Fridays, 4–5:30pm. Sign up now for the 2024-2025 school year!

2024-2025 Registration
Cost: $60


Chris Daniels

Middle School Ministries Pastor

“Middle school is an important time as students discover themselves as individuals and explore their purpose. I am stoked to be a part of a team that empowers and helps students become passionate and productive followers of Jesus. My family loves living in Folsom and doing life with you and your students!”


Hunter Corbitt

High school ministries Pastor

“I want to see our students transformed by the love found in Jesus. With all the different influences and beliefs our students hear and learn about, their faith is being challenged in new ways. There never has been a time more important than now for Student Ministries.”


Jacob Renfro

Students Creative Arts Pastor

“I don’t think there is a more fun group to work with than our students! I love the privilege of getting to watch students grow up and impact the church and their communities. I am just grateful that I get to be part of their stories and invest in them as they learn to follow Jesus.”


Upcoming Events