Alisha Wilson

I was a full-time worship pastor in Southern California, when my husband was offered a dream job in Northern California. I loved our church and my job there but knew that God was calling our family to move. I was eight months pregnant and had an almost two-year-old when we moved. We began attending Lakeside at a time when I was trying to navigate my new stay-at-home mom role. I loved being with my kids, but my husband and I quickly came to the realization that this wasn't what was best for our specific family situation. We knew working full time would not be an option for me in that season but some type of part-time role would be helpful to my calling and to our family overall.

 I applied to be one of the assistants to one of the pastors and got the job! Having this role was so helpful with getting connected in the area and also working in ministry again. At a later date, a job opened for a full-time care and connections pastor. My husband and I prayed about it and felt we were in a season that I could take on this role. I applied and soon after was offered the pastoral role. We moved for my husband's job but didn't know that God also had something waiting for me as well!

 Working at Lakeside has been such a healthy working experience. I appreciate how this staff has leaned into the hard to help create a healthy work environment. I believe everyone on our team tries to lean into Jesus and support each other in what we've all been called to do! 
—Alisha Wilson, Care and Connections Pastor


Jacob Renfro


Ashley White