Ashley White

I had been a stay-at-home mom for nearly nine years. My husband and I had talked about me going back to work in the next year or so when my youngest was in all-day kindergarten. However, one week I received the weekly Lakeside email and happened to scroll to the bottom where it said "We are hiring.” I clicked the link out of curiosity, because who wouldn't love to work at their church, and I saw a part-time childcare team position available. I have a degree in elementary education, so it fit my background and it fit my schedule while my youngest was in school. I wasn't looking for a job at this point, but I just knew that it was meant to be and God must have had a hand in it.  

Since I have started working at Lakeside, I feel truly blessed. Having previously worked outside the church, I recognize what a godsend it is to work here. We pray together, we read Scripture together, we encourage each other in our walks and in our careers. We are trying our best to be his hands and feet, to further his kingdom, and to bring others along with us.
—Ashley White, Lakeside Kids Childcare Coordinator


Alisha Wilson


Laurie Williams