A Place for Transformation
It would be hard to find a time in the life of our church that is more exciting than baptisms. The practice of baptism illustrates transformation, and each baptism is worthy of a party, so baptisms at Lakeside are a true celebration!

Baptism is an outward expression of an inner commitment to Jesus. At Lakeside we practice what is known as baptism by immersion—the submerging of a follower of Jesus into water and rising up out of the water— representing our death to sin and our resurrection to new life in Christ. It is not a means for salvation but, rather, is a public declaration of faith, symbolically letting the world know you are a follower of Jesus.
Baptism is an expression of faith for those who have decided to commit their lives to Jesus. Whether you’re a new Christian or a longtime believer, baptism is an exciting next step in your faith journey. (Children who are old enough to decide for themselves can be baptized upon speaking with one of our pastors or taking our Baptism Class for Kids. See details below.)
Matthew 3:13–17: Jesus set the example of baptism for us. Even when John the Baptist objected, Jesus leaned into baptism as a symbol of righteousness.
Acts 2:36–38: When the apostles began to preach the gospel, Peter called people to believe in Jesus. Along with this he called people to be baptized in the name of Jesus to be identified with him. Jesus-followers have practiced this ever since.
Romans 6:1–4: The apostle Paul explained some of the theology of baptism. He said when we are baptized, we go under the water in an identification with Jesus’ death. When we come out of the water we identify with the new life we have through Jesus’ resurrection.
SAT, APR 19 & SUN, APR 20
There is no better time than Easter to take this exciting next step in your faith journey!
Register too for our Baptism Informational Class on Sun, Apr 6 between gatherings to learn more about baptism—what it means, why we do it, and what the experience will be like.
WED, APR 9: 6-7PM
In this class for kids, age 8-11, we will explore baptism in Scripture and learn the meaning and the significance of this important decision for followers of Jesus.