Covenant Partnership
An Invitation from Pastor Brian
Every year, Lakeside invites individuals to embark on a meaningful annual commitment to our church community. We call this Covenant Partnership.
Why Covenant Partnership Matters
Covenant Partnership represents our commitment to Jesus and to one another, embodying the essence of the church. This intentional agreement deepens our connection, unifying us around shared mission, values, and practices. By partnering, you declare: "I'm not just attending; I'm choosing to be an integral part of Lakeside." This aligns with God's vision of the body of Christ, working together for his kingdom to be established on earth as it is in heaven.
Covenant Partners are the essential core of our church.
Covenant Partnership is the entry point of our leadership pipeline.
Covenant Partners will be updated on important matters concerning the state of the church.
Living Out Our Commitment
Together, we each commit to actively participate in Lakeside’s mission, values, and practices:
Lakeside’s Mission: “Helping everyone follow Jesus by loving everyone like Jesus.”
Our 3 Values: We love people the way Jesus loved people. With…
Unending Grace: It’s never too late. No one is too far.
Unwavering Truth: Truth sets us free and protects us from harm.
Unbridled Hospitality: Everyone deserves extraordinary care.
Our 5 Practices of Missional Engagement:
Gather Purposefully: Sundays are special! We prioritize joining together for meaningful connections, spiritual inspiration, and authentic worship as we learn to follow Jesus together.
Connect Deeply: Life is better together! We courageously engage in meaningful rhythms and relationships that help us grow in friendships and faith.
Serve Selflessly: Teamwork makes the dream work! We resist the gravitational pull of selfishness and find ways to serve others both inside and outside the church.
Give Generously: God loves a cheerful giver! We choose a culture where generosity is a lifestyle and biblical financial stewardship is taught and embraced.
Influence Daily: Everyone matters to God! We are sent on mission to share the gospel with those who feel distant from God, demonstrating a Christ-centered life through our words, actions, and invitations.
Unite with us as a Lakeside Covenant Partner!
Complete our quick 2-minute online registration below and join a community living on mission together.