Getting to Know Jesus: Encouragement from Pastor Brad

How do we follow Jesus if we don’t know him well? Knowing him comes from spending time with him, so I encourage you to dedicate time to God regularly.

-If you don’t have a time set apart to be with God, my recommendation is to schedule it first thing in the morning. For me, what I schedule in the morning tends to get done. What I schedule later in the day often doesn’t get done. And what I do not schedule never gets done.

 -Sit or kneel for five minutes, or fifteen or thirty. It may grow as you develop the habit. Just get started with consistently setting aside a few minutes to fully engage with God, heart and soul.

 -I always read my Bible and meditate on the Word in my devotional time. The thing I would emphasize about reading your Bible is to be consistent and methodical, at least until you know your own patterns that work best for you. Don’t open to a new, random passage each day. Read through a book of the Bible. Or read through the New Testament or the Psalms or the epistles of Paul. My favorite single book of the Bible to read right now is the gospel of Luke. Have a plan and stay with it until you have fulfilled that plan. This will keep you consistent and better focused.

 -Prayer is an important part of spending time with Jesus. I often pray through the Lord’s Prayer as a pattern for my own prayers. This prayer focuses on our heavenly Father’s desires first—his glory, his kingdom, and his will—and next on my issues—my daily needs, my forgiveness, and my temptations.

-I journal on occasion during my devotional time, usually when things are not going very well. I don’t write much when life is going well, but for some people, journaling is an incredible way to enhance their time with Jesus.

 May God bless you as you dedicate time to knowing him.


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