Kids Helping Kids

Swings, slides, teeter-totters, balls, soccer goals, and smiling faces fill the once barren area where children gathered outside to get fresh air during recess at Malawi Montessori, thanks to the incredible generosity of our Summer Blitz campers last year.

Each year our Blitz campers participate in a daily offering competition—girls versus boys—in order to provide a donation to a well-deserving, outside organization. Last year kids raised a whopping $4,925.62 for playground equipment for our mission partner in Malawi, Africa . . . a beautiful example of kids helping kids.

This year at Summer Blitz, campers will discover that though they are little, they can make a big impact in the world! Through the theme Make Waves, kids will be encouraged to make waves in their world, including the opportunity to give an offering to help build and stock Powerhouse Ministries’ new rooms for kids. Remind your kiddos to start saving their coins!




Ash Wednesday